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We aim to help emerging artists and designers in the Middle East grow their exposure and give them the tool to showcase and sell their work. If this sounds interesting to you, contact our team to find out how to get featured!

I feel I am completely independent, fearless and continuously connected to my customer base.

Zein, Designer

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‘Art Hawas’ curated a complete collection of artwork and functional design pieces for our offices. ‘hawas’ also advised us on our current art collection with bullet speed. Their service was impeccable. Kudos.

M. Ali, Art Collector

Our team of creatives and consultants crave art and design. We take “our hawas” seriously and think of it as an essential part of lifestyle.

We believe in expanding the horizons of creatives and collectors in general and nourishing the art scene and its ecosystem in the Middle East and globally and giving back to our community. This symbiotic experience has been exhilarating.

Aya, ‘hawas’ Website Developer

Reach Out

Are you looking to get advice on your art collection or design layout at your home or office? We advise, curate, and assess. Are you searching for an art piece or wish to commission an artist to do one for you? Are you a creative looking to be featured?

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